Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Antonella von Cams a Beligian Baroness ...

So, Antonella said to me.  I will buy you out! You  didn't just say 'Nein' or 'Nix' - she was known as the 'The Black Widow' she had two dead husbands..  In 1993 she took me to lunch everyday in the Puerto Banus.The first husband she got 30 million bucks from .. He owned the blood labs in Belgium .. Juan was younger was in the hotel business .. anyway who killed him is the question .. she had to of known something but I think she beat the rap in Spain too like she did in Belgium .... My jet set  friend gave lots of parties  in the Marbella Club House Casa de Chiquita ..A very chic walled in house .. Jaguar car you name it, she would spend 75K on her birthday party .. Mysterious women around in those days .. she was scary .. but fun .. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spanish Ambassador to Pakistan ...

 Spanish Ambassador to Pakistan. Strange she was not even Spanish!! She had a British diplomatic passport, and lived part time at the Spanish Embassy in Islamabad .. She organized aid from Spain to Pakistan..  She was C.I.A. and was an American woman. This was her cover ..  When, I insulted Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Queen Juliana at a 'World Wildlife Fund Fundraiser' in 1976 and I called the German born Prince, a Fascist, Nazi, bribe-taker, over the Lockheed, Adnan Khashoggi scandal that got A.K. $106,000,000 in commissions from Lockheed.. 'She protected me'!! The Blog story is: