Sunday, October 30, 2011

Margrit de Mora y Aragon's & Robert Kelly Smithey .. 1985

So, Margrit was a Swedish model and married to Don Jaime de Mora y Aragon the brother of the Queen of Belgium and a real playboy. It was his birthday and they were having a huge party for him. He was an actor and on Spanish TV. It was the "Hola type" star studded group from Madrid for one thing. A divine night great fun. As so many knew each other, having been together at the Marbella Club Hotel bar, and Bar Menchu's etc. all week. Margrit was gorgeous, a gentle lovely being, She was in great form as she greeted every guest. She seated me in the reserved area on the lovely terrace by the sea with Fanny Fixon, and Zohra Zondler a soon to be rich divorcee. Sophie of Habsburg with Phillipe Junot, Princess Beatrice von Auersberg. Inside the decorated disco were white balloons and another few hundred celebs, including my friend Baroness Luba de Portanove from Houston with her new novio, Alberto, a huge tiered cake was wheeled in and reminiscent of Hollywood, in the thirties - out flew a pair of frightened doves. Margrit reasoned to me that this was enough for anyone's blood pressure! A great party !

I was talking to Paul Anka who was getting the VIP treatment ... There is no kicker ..