Friday, June 18, 2010

Jean Harlow baby gangster the Kansas City gun moll !!

Johnny Lazia was sitting with his back to the wall at the Fred Harvey restaurant in Union Station in downtown Kansas City. A young twenty two year old women is with him having breakfast. In walks Verne Miller and slowly makes his way to there table, giving Johnny time to send the platinum blonde, floozy, to buy a newspaper and call her agent. Miller sits down, and says to Johnny , is that Jean Harlow? Yes, it is, that's "Our Baby". She is on her way to Hollywood to audition for a movie called King Kong - about a monkey. Miller then says that F.B.I. agents will be bringing Frank Nash to transfer him from train to automobile at seven fifteen in the morning, in route to the Leavenworth penitentiary. Johnny gives Verne permission to pull of the caper and the union station massacre is less than a day away. Johnny knows two hit-men that owe him a favor. Pretty boy Floyd and Adam Richetti. He thinks the agents will be unarmed, there will be no problem. Mob Rule depended on him keeping guys like Miller in check. Entangling himself is dangerous for the mafia boss, but, Miller had juice in Chicago and they would be in his debt. As the brassy, exotic, actress returns. Johnny Lazia says, here is "OUR BABY". She is wearing a low cut dress and a jeweled bracelet. Hello my name is Jean, a friend of Longy Abner Zwillman, from New Jersy. Miller says is that your red Cadillac parked outside? Yes ,you like it, a gift from Abner. I just arrived back in town from New Jersy, I'm going to take the train the rest of the way to California. What - she did not know - was - she, would have to gun down a man to get to her audition !! Union Station was already bustling early Saturday morning on June 16, 1933. The criminals had no trouble blending into the crowd. The party of eight marched briskly up the stairs and outside to the parking lot. The outlaws waited in ambush. They were very surprised that the agents had shotguns and pistols. The big red Cadillac pulls up just as someone opens fire with a machine gun and chaos breaks out. Two men drop dead in front of her. She picks up there gun and shoots the manacled Frank Nash in the head when he tried to stop her, and steal, the car. In ninety seconds it was all over. She was stepping over bodies to make the train. This is the true story of what really happened that day, the Kansas City Star, KC Mob - Cops , MGM Studios - covered it up!! 

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