Monday, December 19, 2011

George H. W. Bush , Juan Romero & Robert Kelly Smithey ...

I can't define the terror, I felt. We left the White House of George H. W. Bush at Christmas time in 1992 in a black limo and a bargain had been struck.. I was lucky on this one because I didn't want to be in the 'Satanic Illuminati child molester group' .. Some of my friends pointed that out to me !! George H.W. Bush had lost to Clinton in one of those rigged system political vote scams. America and the world is so famous for. I had heard all the 'Conspiracy theory stories' and knew the Satanic Cult had fixed the election we talked about it in the car. It was nearly omnipotent, multi-generational and reached the highest levels of society from government to law enforcement you name it the secret depravity of the SATANISTS was stuff of legend. The Belgian Baroness Antonella von Cams was a high priestess in Europe and had one dead husband already, she said we were there to cheer up her friend/cult member George Bush, ostensibly but, in reality something much more dark was the reason for this visit from the Europeans. She was acting strange and for a cool sociopath like her, that is saying something. The next few days would be fraught with terror, for my friend Juan Romero, her, younger new husband.. Who himself had delusions of grandeur about power/control etc.. he wanted to be Illuminati like his wife and George! A 'Megalomaniac' we called him! I myself was going broke in Marbella, Spain my boutique in the Puerto Banus was in bad shape and she was buying me lunch every day and spending money, I should of said no to the trip to Washington D.C., but I didn't. My rich friends were always trying to get me involved with there secret society and if I had joined her, and them,  The Bush's dog pee was everywhere,  Creepy, two days after we returned to Marbella, Spain from Washington D.C. after the Romero's had bought black 501 jeans and white shirts to wear in first class back to Europe.. I was in the boutique, Puerto Banus in Marbella and talking with Don Jaime de Mora y Aragon, brother of the Queen of Belgium himself a high omnipotent secret society fellow who had stopped by for a drink, and was to die himself two years or so later, not sure about that as well.. When, I get a call from Baroness von Cams. She said to me that Juan Romero was just murdered. 
Adnan Khasoggi the Bush Front man and Reagan Fall guy was coming in the front door and had already heard about it.. Yes, the 'Satanic Cult' did show its ugly head again! It seems like my friends the 1% of the 1% were involved in so many evil exploits. This one hit me close to home because I really liked Juan and we were friends.. I took some pictures at the 'White House' and made a 'Homage' collage to Juan, poor fellow. The last two times I was at the 'White House' I forgot my camera !! When the Fords and then the Carters were there.. Juan's death was what they call a blood sacrifice, my intuition is pretty good and it usually kept me out of a lot of the 'Palace Intrigue'.. Satanists like Bush and the Queen of England who I met at the 'Ascot Horse Race' in 1985 are so creepy. When Obama comes on the TV, I cover my eyes, so not to get the EVIL backlash from him, what a thug monster, he turned out to be, and that wife going to Marbella in 2010 how telling was that trip ..

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