Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Robert Kelly Smithey in Munich Germany ..

Axel Springer was to Germany and Europe what the Hearst family is to America. He was a  German publisher and had a very significant share of the market. In 1973 he came to Marbella, on a vacation with his 4th wife and a very promiscuous daughter..  She was voted one of the 100 hottest women in Germany by the Bild Magazine that Axel owned,  although the Der Spiegel magazine is supposed to be liberal. His Bild newpaper and magazine is very biased and some one bombed his Paris office .. a left-wing group.   I asked them to dinner and they say yes, I call my maid and cook and tell them to go to the market and clean the apartment, I'm going to have a dinner party. At the dinner party I show them all of my Berrocal art work, my Picasso plates - my Dali bronze horse with the clock melting on its back, on , two feet of granite , and lots more Magritte art work etc.. - I invite over as well Countess  von Bismarck who was part of the Prince Otto Von Bismarck's of Germany family..   I invited my friend Princess Maria Louise of Prussia who was tall and elegant and the cousin of Queen Sofia of Spain and the great-granddaughter of Kaiser Wilhelm! And, after all the Springers were commoners,  "THE PRESS AROUND EVERY CORNER" .. They   wanted me to come to Germany and give a fashion show at the famous Hotel Bayerisher Hof, in Munich, and he had paid me in German Marks, this is way before the Euro, and you wanted foreign money to take out of Spain when you traveled. So, also I have a 50K deal a year with Avon.  I don't have to be back in New York for a couple more months... So, I had money to go and Oktoberfest sounded like fun..   Axel gave  me a party at the Munich Olympic Stadium, in the bicycle ring ...  Axel, divorced his fourth wife and married  the nanny she was heiress to his huge money when he died in 1985 ..........Collage pictures in Germany Paparazzi ---------

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